What is the Best Way to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now?

What is the Best Way to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now?   Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now - High Blood Pressure Cured by This Vampire. Wouldn’t it be great if a vampire could cure your high blood pressure? Dracula would probably tell you that he could do it in the blink of an eye, and we believe him. One bite and your blood pressure would be history! Read on to find out more.


Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now – High Blood Pressure Cured by This Vampire


Wouldn’t it be great if a vampire could cure your high blood pressure? Dracula would probably tell you that he could do it in the blink of an eye, and we believe him. One bite and your blood pressure would be history! (Although, to be honest, so would you…)


But seriously, scientists have been studying vampires recently, because in the quest to find effective treatments for people who suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease, they will leave no (tomb)stone unturned.


Scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia believe that a breed of modern-day vampires may actually hold the key to curing high blood pressure.


Their research was recently published in the Journal of Proteomics and it shows that the venom secreted by vampire bats may hold the key to lowering blood pressure and dissolving blood clots in humans.


Their piece outlines how the bats have adapted to beat their prey’s adaptations to them. Which sounds surprising but shouldn’t, because all life adapts to survive over time, and some of the creatures that vampire bats feed on have developed antibodies which neutralise their venom.


But this is an arms race conducted in the laboratory of life, and in time, the bats have upped their own game and developed venom which wins against the antibodies.


In a typical vampire bat attack, when venom enters the body of a victim, the creature’s immune system kicks in and destroys the invader. Blood then clots at the site of the wound and inflammation from white blood cell activity cleans everything up.


This is bad news for the vampire bats, who rely on their dinner not fighting back, so they’ve come up with a novel approach to cope with this problem.


Their venom has now evolved to sneak past the prey’s immune system and prevent its blood from clotting, as well as dilating blood vessels near the skin to keep its blood flowing. Even when a bat drinks from the same prey night after night, its defences are powerless against the venom.


It’s this ability of the venom to act as a clot-buster and vasodilator that has scientists excited, because it means that they don’t have to work on new treatments from scratch. Much of the hard work in creating a natural blood pressure medicine has already been done for them by mother nature.


Now all they have to do is isolate the chemicals and understand the precise mechanisms that vampire bats use to bust blood clots and they’ll be knocking on the door of a breakthrough!


But you don’t have to wait for them to think their way through that set of bio-chemical problems. You can reduce your high blood pressure naturally, right now. These 3 easy exercises are proven to lower blood pressure below 120/80 without drugs, as soon as on the very first day…


Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now – Want to Lower Blood Pressure by 40%? Try kindness!


We’ve all heard the usual advice about lowering blood pressure. Get plenty of sleep, try not to stress, eat right and get some exercise.

But now there’s another way to combat high blood pressure that doesn’t involve any of those things.


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University discovered this simple answer when they looked at more than 1000 healthy adults over the course of four years. They found that one subset of this large group was getting a great deal of benefit out of something enjoyable that they were doing.


The researchers noticed that the people who spent more than 200 hours during those four years as volunteers in their community were much less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than those who didn’t. In fact, they were over 40% less likely.


Researchers put this reduction in blood pressure down to the well-documented benefits of social interaction. It’s long been known that when we do things that are ‘bigger’ than ourselves, things which benefit others, we feel a tremendous sense of belonging and accomplishment.


In today’s world, more people than ever feel connected digitally but not necessarily physically. Loneliness is on the increase, but volunteering brings people back in touch with each other, makes them feel worthwhile and rewards them with mood enhancing hormones too.


And if you want to boost these benefits even further to reduce your high blood pressure naturally, right now, here are 3 simple exercises guaranteed to lower your blood pressure to 120/80 or less by this time tomorrow


Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now – High Blood Pressure and the ‘S’ Word


When it comes to high blood pressure, researchers from England and Finland think they can now point to the main culprit.


They cast their nets wide, with their study looking at 7000 people for clues about the main drivers of this damaging condition.


Thanks to information gleaned from studying so many subjects, they were able to pin the main cause on one familiar suspect, and not only that, they could confidently recommend an easy way to deal with it too.


The ‘S’ word behind high blood pressure here is stress, which is almost unsurprising because of the way that it exacerbates or encourages so many other conditions.


Plenty of people will tell you that they don’t feel stressed, but this research digs into decades of findings to show that everybody suffers some degree of stress of one sort or another.


Even the things that you happily take in your stride everyday count as stress. Whether it’s work worries, relationship difficulties, physical illness, environmental noise or poor dietary choices, they all add up to pressures which the body can’t resolve, and which quietly build up.


The result of this constant overload is disease in mind and body. When the body can’t cope with the load it eventually breaks down.


This landmark study appears in the European Heart Journal, and it underlines the need for greater stress awareness. As modern lives become more complicated we face a mountain of stressful challenges that pile up on a daily basis.


People with the highest stress levels are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack as those with the lowest.


If you’re wondering whether this study might have missed other contributing factors, don’t worry. They studied their subjects for several years and took into account things that also have a health impact like alcohol or smoking.


The researchers were surprised to find that people with high stress levels were not oblivious, but they often didn’t help themselves. They knew what was happening to them and they knew it was affecting their health, but they didn’t use the proven therapies that have been shown to help.


Which is a huge shame, because they could easily be cutting stress out of their lives using nothing more than some simple relaxation and mind-body awareness techniques. They could get their blood pressure down to 120/80 in 24 hours.


For more ideas to reduce your high blood pressure naturally, right now, watch this video – How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

These techniques suit everybody, they only take nine minutes to complete each day, in order to reduce your high blood pressure naturally, right now and they couldn’t be easier. Take a look…


This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 


This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.


To find out more about this program, click on How to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now

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