What is the Best Way to Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia?

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Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia – Moderate Amounts of This Drink Kills Your Brain

Everything is good in moderation, right?

Not so much, says a new study published in the journal BMJ.

In fact, drinking this common drink in “moderation” (often highly recommended by health experts) can drastically decrease your brain health and cognitive function over a few-year period.

Many studies show that moderate alcohol intake is beneficial for cardiovascular disease and a wide range of other health conditions.

But how about your brain?

Scientists took the data of 550 people collected by the Whitehall II cohort study.

At the beginning of the study, the subjects’ average age was 43 years.

They collected info on people’s alcohol intake and cognitive abilities periodically over 30 years.

They also took a multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of their brains at the end of the study.

The researchers divided the participants into

– Light drinkers: 1–6 units of alcohol per week

– Moderate drinkers: 14–21 units of alcohol per week

– Heavy drinkers: more than 30 units of alcohol per week

The brain and cognitive functions of heavy drinkers were worse than the moderate drinkers who were, in turn, worse than the light drinkers.

In fact, there was no difference between the light drinkers and the complete abstainers on brain structure and cognitive abilities.

But the surprising finding is that moderate drinking is also bad for the brain.

One medium glass of wine (175 ml) contains two units of alcohol and so do 24 ounces of beer.

This means that one glass of wine or two beers a day will place you in the category of moderate drinkers, whose alcohol intake is too high for good brain health.

But there are ways to counteract this.

Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia – If you’re interested in boosting your brain health (and reverse dementia and memory loss), learn how to load your brain with the one ingredient it needs here …

Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia – Sleeplessness may cause Alzheimer’s

A critical predictor of future trouble with Alzheimer’s disease has been recently linked with the effects of chronic sleep debt and insomnia, as a study supported by the National Institute of Health revealed.

A product the body produces that has been very closely linked with people who develop Alzheimer’s disease has been blamed on lack of sleep recently.

Amyloid plaque is the culprit, and chronic sleep debt and insomnia is the cause, reports a study recently supported by NIH and the Ellison Foundation.

More research is ongoing to find the specific relationship between the buildup of this plaque and its association with insomnia. Yet one more reason to work at getting a full night’s sleep consistently.

The best way to conquer insomnia without harmful drugs

Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia – Alzheimer’s Causes and Prevention

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition of pre-senile dementia. Though, millions of people today have Alzheimer’s disease, its cure is yet to be discovered. The road to freedom from Alzheimer’s, as of now appears a long one, as scientists and doctors are yet to unearth the causes of this disease.

Though, Alzheimer’s was first described in 1906, many misconceptions are still attached to this disease. Even today, most people incorrectly perceive Alzheimer’s as a disease in which elderly people lose all control over their mental faculties and memory. A lot of blame for this misconception goes to media, which has repeatedly portrayed Alzheimer’s as this.

Generally, the first signs of Alzheimer’s appear when a person is in forties or fifties.

Earliest symptoms include loss of short-term memory; the individual fails to recall recent events, such as whether he/she took the morning’s medicines.

Memory impairment is then followed by noticeable deterioration in the thought and speech process, such as being unable to do simple calculations, or inability to find words to describe simple items.

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative condition; as the disease progresses, the patients may become totally incapable of caring for themselves.

In recent times, researchers have made noticeable progress in understanding some of the important attributes of this disease, such as presence of high amount of tangles and plaques in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.

Tangles and plaques are protein that accumulates in a human’s brain over time. While, tangles build up in inside the nerve cells, plaques accumulate in the gaps between nerve cells in the brain. While, in most people this build up happens naturally with aging, studies show the amount of plaque and tangles in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients is substantially more than found in normal people.

While the progress is heartening, certain roadblocks still need to be crossed. For instance, researches are yet to fully understand this build up or all the factors that facilitate it.

However, scientists have found certain factors that contribute to the increased build-up of tangles and plaques. These factors are:

  • Family history
  • Age
  • Lifestyle

While, not much can be done about age or parentage, we do have control over our lifestyle. Studies indicate a balanced diet and regular physical activity can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Studies also show head injuries can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Keeping our head protected by wearing helmet while driving a two-wheeler, or using a seat-belt while driving a car is in our control. So, take proper precautions to keep your head protected from injuries.

A healthy brain also reduces your chances of developing Alzheimer’s in future. Keep your brain active by doing activities that require you to focus and brainstorm. Daily devote some minutes to mentally stimulating activities, such as solving puzzles.

Further, studies show a direct correlation between a healthy heart and an active, healthy and vibrant brain.

For more ideas to reverse Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, watch these 2 videos –

What you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s | Lisa Genova

Dr. Dale Bredesen on Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease

This post is from the Brain Booster Exercise Program created for the purpose of helping to reverse Alzheimer’s, boost memory. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to slow down, prevent, or even reverse memory loss and boost your brain with energy and power. These exercises work to deliver as much nutrition and oxygen to your starving brain as possible and begin the restoring of the damaged brain cells.

To find out more about this program, click on Reverse Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia

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