How to Stop Fear and Anxiety from Controlling Your Life?

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‘You can do it!’- Roy’s Panic Away Success Story.

Panic Away member, Roy shares his anxiety story with us. For anyone doubting themselves, or the Panic Away program, Roy is here to tell you and reassure you that: YOU CAN DO IT! 

“It’s been a little over two years since I found the Panic Away program, and the Forum.  I had suffered a pretty nasty panic attack around October of 2010, and not being able to understand what it was that I experienced, the fear of it drove me to a pretty bad case of anxiety.

I suffered through all of the nasty symptoms that most of us experience with panic and anxiety, and I’ve been through some pretty tough and challenging experiences in my life, including Army boot camp. Nothing came close to the battle, and the challenge of overcoming a really heavy case of anxiety, and the fear of another panic attack.

If you’re someone that has just started this program, or you’ve been on this journey for a while and you’re trying to get back that life you once enjoyed.  I’m hear to tell you… you can do it!

I’ve seen and heard people say, (and I said the same thing myself)… “I just want my old self back.”   I’m pretty sure what you’re going to discover on your journey through this experience, is that you will find yourself again, but you’ll be a changed person because of it.  What I mean by that, is that you’ll be so much more aware of things that you didn’t pay attention to before your struggle began, and you’ll be a better person for it.

I heard this great quote from an NFL coach who won his battle against leukemia… he said “it’s not your circumstances that define you, it’s how you deal with them, and overcome them, that make you who you are.”

I think the hardest thing to accept through my recovery process, was that it was going to take time.  I heard Barry and others say this over and over, but I wanted it to go away now.  If there’s one piece of advice that I can give you, it would be this… try not to rush the recovery process.  Give your mind and body time to heal itself, and it will.  Accept where you are, and believe that you will get through this by working through the program, being patient with yourself, and giving it time.

I can honestly tell you that I don’t know exactly when the anxiety no longer effected my daily walk through life. It just begins to fade away when the focus on living your life, becomes more important than the focus on your struggle with anxiety.  I still feel a little anxious now and then, but that’s to be expected.  After all, it is human to be a little anxious and fearful of things sometimes.

The memory of what I went through with panic and anxiety will always be there, just like the memories of all the good times, and the struggles I’ve experienced in my life.  I think they’re a reminder of what’s important in life, and that past experiences help us to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.  Sharing our experiences can also help others get through tough times, and maybe avoid some of the pitfalls in life that you’ve experienced.

Faith, Love and Hope- A Panic Away Success Story

A Panic Away member explains has gone from an anxiety stricken life to a busy, normal, happy and healthy one!  A combination of Panic Away and practicing faith, love and hope have gotten her to where she is today.  She has now gotten perspective over her anxiety journey and see’s it as a gift. Continue reading for more info about this wonderful and inspirational success story.

“Faith Love Hope, these three words are what helped me to live a full normal healthy busy life again. It’s been nearly 4 years since my first experience with a Panic Attack. As most of you I’m sure I didn’t know what hit me. Is this a Heart attack? was this a Nervous Break down? some kind of Seizure? I was worried and desperate and I felt so alone!

My dearest friend suggested that it might be Panic Attacks so I started my research.

Days turned to weeks and weeks to Months, I was struggling terribly, no medication that my Dr gave me worked! I couldn’t sleep because I was so scared something might happen to me when I did. Now I know that sleeping well is one of the most important gifts we can give our Anxious bodies

One Doctors visit followed another, one test after another nothing seems to be wrong with me physically. At last I dicided to buy the Panic Away Program (at first I thought it might be a scam boy was I wrong!) I immediately printed the booklet (I bought the online copy) and started reading. I cried heaps because someone understood!

Someone knew! Someone have been through this horror and survived!

I joined the Forum and it became a life line. Panic Attacks and Anxiety is a lonely road. Family and friends don’t understand, they try but they don’t. This Journey is YOURS and yours alone!

Something that I read stuck (I think it was Barry that said it) You will get to the other side and it would have been worthwhile! Really? You’ve got to be joking! I feel horrible! I feel sick all the time! My tummy is upset, I can’t eat, I’m nauseous and dizzy all the time. I’m so so scared!! How on earth can this be worth anything? Well today I can say the same. This has been a difficult but WONDERFUL Journey and I am actually glad that I had been given this Gift.


Have faith in yourself and your body.
Have faith that you will come through this.
Create your own Recipe for healing and have faith in it.

Mine is:

  • Enough sleep, at least 8 hours a night 10 is even better especially when you just start healing.
  • Drink a lot of water. I always had a bottle of water with me, it was my medicine.
  • Eat healthy meals, as little take away and instant food as possible.
  • Cut our Caffeine and alcohol especially in the beginning.
  • Do lots of exercise! (You have to build up a sweat. I promise you it is better that any Benzo!
  • Do the Panic Away Audios as much as possible! (I also find Guided Meditation a wonderful tool)
  • DO NOT RESIST A PANIC ATTACK! Welcome it in, let it flow right through you. Tell it that you are not frightened of it and that you know, it can not harm it!


Start every day with the hope that today is going to be better than tomorrow and tomorrow even more better. Without hope our days will be an endless struggle. We hope and we strive for calm and for peace in ourselves.

If like me you couldn’t drive any more, just DO it, every day, as much as possible because the day will come that you hoped for, driving will be easy and calm again.

If you’re scared to leave your house, just DO it, if you walk 100 steps more every day, soon you will be able to go as far as possible and the day you hoped for will have arrived. If you’re scared of Flying (like I was) buy a ticket and just Do it, because you might be besides yourself with fear, you might even have a Panic Attack but you will be okay and the next time you will be able to do it easier and the next even like the experience.


Learn to love yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. Love YOU! Look after you. Give yourself the time you need to recover and to recuperate. It’s okay to be a little selfish, it’s okay to say NO.

Recognize your blessings no matter how small they seem to be. Being Positive and thankful is the best Love you can give yourself.

My life is full of Joy and Peace. My life is Calm and Comfortable. My body is healthy. My Mind is healthy. This Journey has been a blessing and it still is every day. Every day is good!

You can have this too, just believe! Don’t wait for this to be over, WORK at it as if your life depends on it! Do what you want to today, go for a walk, go for a drive, go for a visit don’t put it off because you feel anxious. Have Faith, have hope and have Love.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips and inspirational story with us! You truly deserve your new, anxiety free life and you should be very proud of yourself! 

To learn how to stop fear and anxiety from controlling your life, watch this video – How To Overcome Fear And Anxiety In 30 Seconds

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Distraction Ideas – How to Stop Fear and Anxiety from Controlling Your Life?

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