5-Minute Guided Meditation for People Who Have Chronic Insomnia

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It’s the middle of the night and you’re awake. Tossing and turning, weary eyes staring out into the dark room. This isn’t the first night you haven’t been able to sleep, and (unfortunately) you’re sure that it won’t be the last.

If insomnia is a word you know all too well, then this post is for you. Read on to find out what may be getting in the way of your sleep, and follow the steps listed below, on our relaxing guided meditation (for when counting sheep doesn’t work).

What Causes Insomnia?

Insomnia is the inability to sleep, having difficulty either falling or staying asleep. If you experience insomnia, you’re not alone: 30 percent of U.S. adults suffer symptoms of insomnia. While many people experience a poor night’s sleep from time to time, recurring sleeplessness becomes a real problem for your physical, emotional and mental health.

Poor Sleep Habits

This includes not having an established sleeping routine or lacking ideal sleep conditions. Your body likes consistency, especially when it comes to sleep.

Being erratic about when you go to bed and wake up can confuse your circadian rhythm, which means that your body doesn’t know when it should be asleep or awake.

Trying to sleep in a light, noisy room, or on an uncomfortable mattress, will also impact the quality of your shut eye.

The fix: Stick to having a consistent wake-up time every single day, even on weekends

Anxiety or Depression

You may be familiar with that feeling of being extremely tired, only to go to bed and have your mind light up with worry. Unfortunately, it’s quite natural for your mind to wander when your body is resting – you have no other distractions, after all.

The fix: Having quiet time earlier in the day allows your mind to analyze these thoughts before you go to bed. Activities such as journaling or meditation can help you sort out confusing thoughts and help you rest easier when it’s time to sleep.

Lack of Exercise

As a reader of PaleoHacks, chances are that know just how important exercise is for the body and mind. And when it comes to sleep, science is a big fan of that daily workout to reduce symptoms of insomnia. On the flip side, over-exercising, or doing high intensity exercise too close to bedtime, can have a negative effect on your sleep, so keep the HIIT workouts for earlier in the day.

The fix: Make a commitment to move your body every day. This will boost energy during waking hours and help you physically feel the need to sleep.

Physical Ailments or Chronic Illness

Being uncomfortable in your body, or battling an illness, makes it very challenging to sleep peacefully through the night.

The fix: While this can be hard to work around, lifestyle habits may help to improve your condition and aid your sleep. Stretching or foam rolling and other mobility exercises can help release chronic muscle pain that may be keeping you up at night.

Combine this with following an anti-inflammatory diet to help heal you from the inside out.


Some medications also impact the quality of your sleep, disturbing your body’s natural clockwork.

The fix: If you feel your medication is affecting your sleep, discuss this with your primary care physician. They may be able to recommend an alternative brand that’s more natural, a different dosage, or have you take it at a different time of day.

How Insomnia Impacts Your Health

Muscle growth, cell and tissue repair, and detoxification are processes that happen during sleep. Without enough sleep, this regeneration process is disrupted, which can wreak havoc on your physical body, your hormones and your mood.

Sleep deprivation is linked to excess fat storage and increased hunger and decreased metabolic rate, and it can raise your risk for chronic health problems.

Sleep is also the time that the brain is getting a cognitive reboot, with neural pathways forming that will improve your ability to learn and remember new information.

Studies also link lack of sleep with anxiety, depression, and even an increase in suicidal thoughts. Sleep deprivation is linked to excess fat storage, increased hunger, decreased metabolic rate. It can raise risk for chronic health problems.

As you can see, not spending quality time sleeping has far more serious consequences than yawning in that 3pm meeting. But saying that you’ll “get more sleep” might not be enough, especially if it’s the act of sleeping, not the routine of going to bed, that you’re struggling with.

The guided meditation below is one that I’ve found great success with for myself, my clients and my Pilates groups. It uses a mindfulness-based technique to relax your body and your mind, and creates a good physical environment for rest.

In fact, a study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine links mindfulness meditation with reduced insomnia and fatigue, so let’s give it a try.

A 5-Minute Guided Meditation for Healthy Sleep

You can complete this exercise when you go the bed, or to relax any time of day.

Start by lying comfortably on your back and closing your eyes.

Take a deep breath in through the nose, and exhale through the nose (nose breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms your body).

Breathing softly, you’re going to move your attention through each body part. As you think of that body part, you’ll feel it relax. Allow it to rest heavy against your mattress or the floor where you’re lying.

Starting with your left big toe, think about the toe, soften the toe, let it relax.

Now focus on the left second toe, feel it relax.

In your mind’s eye, continue to work through your body in the following order:

Left Foot: third toe, fourth toe, baby toe, all toes, left ball of the foot, whole left foot, left ankle

Left Leg: calf, shin, knee, back of thigh, front of thigh, inner thigh, left hip

Right Foot: big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, baby toe, all toes, right ball of the foot, whole right foot, right ankle

Right Leg: calf, shin, knee, back of thigh, front of thigh, inner thigh, right hip

Pelvis + Lumbar: front of pelvis, right buttocks, left buttocks, right side low back, left side low back, whole low back

Ribs, Shoulders + Arms: back of right waist, back of right ribcage, right shoulder blade, right shoulder, right upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, right thumb, first finger, second finger, ring finger, little finger, whole right hand; repeat on the left side

Stomach, Chest + Head: stomach, right side chest, left side chest, whole chest, throat, jaw, lips, eyes, eyebrows, forehead, crown of head, back of head, back of neck

Whole Body: whole right body, whole left body, whole back body, whole front body, whole body

Sending your breath to your whole body, feel it relax even more, feel it lying heavy, so heavy as if it could melt through the floor, softly, gently, calmly. In that relaxed state, stay and rest.

Watch this video – Fall Asleep Fast Deep Sleep Meditation for Insomnia / Mindful Movement

Written by Jennifer Dene

Author Bio:

Jennifer Dene is a celebrity trainer, health coach, and owner of Jennifer Dene Wellness.. She is also the creator of the lifestyle program The Dene Method, and host of the Soulful Self Love Challenge, which helps hundreds of women around the world feel fit, feminine and fabulous.

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