Cure Asthma – Can Asthma Be Cured Completely?

Cure Asthma – Can Asthma Be Cured Completely? Cure Asthma - If for a normal person mites are just annoying, for asthma sufferers they are quite dangerous, as they are one of the most powerful allergens which trigger asthma attacks. Thus, if you are an asthmatic or have inside your house someone who is, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of all the dust mites as soon as possible and keep them away from your home for ever.


Cure Asthma – Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose

It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale is significantly lower than that inhaled and exhaled by a normal person.


Also, there is an increasing tendency of asthma sufferers to start breathing through their mouth. This practice is mainly due to the fact that during asthma attacks people usually use an inhaler and breathe through their mouths.


However, breathing through your mouth should be a routine which must be stopped immediately, first of all because only a small quantity of air that you breathe through your mouth reaches your lungs. Most of it goes directly in your stomach and it is not useful in any way to your organs.


Also, many asthmatic associate breathing through their mouth with an emergency situation (like the imminence of an asthma attack) and when they get used with breathing through their mouth regularly, the fear of an attack is increased and the brain is always in a state of alarm.


Thus, in order to breathe normally and lead a stress-free life, you will have to get used to breathing only through your nose. It may be a little more difficult at the beginning, but nothing is impossible when you really want it.


Start by auto-imposing yourself to keep your mouth closed and whenever you realize that you are using your mouth for breathing, close it and try to resume your normal activities and breathe through your nose.


If this does not provide satisfactory results, then buy a mouth tape and use it when you are at home and when you are sleeping to keep your mouth closed. This will prevent you from opening your mouth and will only leave you the alternative of breathing through your nose.


Once you will get used to using only your nose for breathing, you will notice that you will not be thinking so much about the imminence of an asthma attack, you will be more tranquil and relaxed, while the panic feelings will completely go away.


So, no matter how hard you will have to try in order to succeed, it is worth all work as once you have started breathing through your nose, your asthma will become less threatening to you.


Cure Asthma – How to Completely Remove Dust Mites

Nobody wants to have mites in their homes just like nobody wants to have dust inside their houses. Yet, sometimes it just happens that the small mites get inside and you cannot make them leave.


If for a normal person mites are just annoying, for asthma sufferers they are quite dangerous, as they are one of the most powerful allergens which trigger asthma attacks. Thus, if you are an asthmatic or have inside your house someone who is, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of all the dust mites as soon as possible and keep them away from your home for ever. In order to achieve this task, you will have to follow some simple routines, which you will find listed below.


The first thing on the “must do” list in order to get rid of dust mites is to reduce the humidity from inside the house. You can do that by using a dehumidifier. Also, make sure that you keep all the rooms ventilated, so that you avoid the accumulation of excessive humidity.


After that, you should purchase a vacuum cleaner with extra filtration and start vacuuming all your furniture and carpets. The items which cannot be washed or which is recommended that you wash only once or twice a year are the once which retain most of the dust mites and their eggs, so make sure that you vacuum them at least once a week.


Then, wash the beddings, the curtains, the blankets and duvet covers at a high temperature. It is recommended that you do not wash them below 60 degrees Celsius, otherwise the dust mites and their eggs may survive the washing process and this is something that you do not want to happen.


If you have children, sterilize all their toys by washing them in hot water. If the toys are not washable, you can put them in the refrigerator and leave them there at least one night. Dust mites cannot make it in low temperatures.


The mattress can also be a good place for mites, so take it out at least once in a month and let it air. Do not avoid that in the cold days of winter. Moreover, it is highly recommended to take it out in the cool air, as dust mites and their eggs will die at low temperatures, as mentioned previously.


These measures will make your house a safer environment, both for you and for the asthma sufferers as they will keep the dust mites away for good.


For more ideas to cure asthma, watch these 2 videos below:


How to Stop an Asthma Attack Without an Inhaler

How I Naturally Cured My Asthma/SIBO

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.


To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


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