What are the Causes and Treatment for Sinus Infection?

What are the Causes and Treatment for Sinus Infection? The treatment for sinus infection includes antibiotics, use of nasal sprays, inhaling steam from a vaporizer, intaking hot fluids, applying a paste of cinnamon with water, or ginger with milk, or basil leaves mixed with cloves and dried ginger.


What Causes Sinus Infection?

Sinus infections are common sinus disorders that lead to pain and physical discomfort. The apparent signs of an infection include cold and several other symptoms like headache. What causes sinus infection? Before delving into that, let us have a look at what exactly is sinusitis and what are its symptoms.

Sinuses are cavities near the bones of the nose. Sinusities is a condition that arises due to the trapping of mucus and dry air in the sinuses because of inflammation of the nasal membrane.

The symptoms of a sinus infection include severe headache, tenderness around eyes and nose, often accompanied by fever, cough and cold and a discharge from the nose. Sinusitis can be acute, lasting a few weeks, chronic, lasting more than eight weeks or recurring, three to four times a year.

The sinuses serve the crucial function of protecting the skull. They act as a shield for the skull. Sinuses also make the skull lighter. They lend the voice its characteristic ability to echo. Four pairs of sinuses exist linking the nostrils to the nasal membrane. An inflammation of the nasal lining, consisting of the sinuses, is what causes a sinus infection. An inflammation of all the four pairs of sinuses gives rise to a condition called pan-sinusitis.

The common cold is perhaps one of the most common causes of a sinus infection. Due to cold, a congestion is caused in the nasal membrane which prevents the sinuses from evacuating mucus. This leads to an inflammation of the sinuses.

Other causes of sinus infection include flying, scuba diving and even the condition of pregnancy. Flying and scuba diving lead to pressure changes, thereby, leading to sinusitis. Similarly, during pregnancy, hormonal changes occur which can give rise to sinus infections. The people who are asthmatic are also prone to sinusitis.

The treatment for sinus infection includes antibiotics, use of nasal sprays, inhaling steam from a vaporizer, intaking hot fluids, applying a paste of cinnamon with water, or ginger with milk, or basil leaves mixed with cloves and dried ginger.

If the problem still persists, consulting a doctor is preferable. Whatever the causes of sinus infection are, prevention remains the best cure against all!


Causes of Bad Taste Sinus Disease

A bad taste in the mouth is not a very good experience. There are times when we can taste our own bad breath. This is not a very pleasing experience. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavities located in our head. One of the major symptoms of sinusitis is bad breath and bad taste. This is also known as bad taste sinus disease.

Normally, the nose and sinuses produce between a pint and a quart of mucus secretions per day. This passes into and through the nose and picks up dust particles, bacteria and other air pollutants along the way. Tiny hair like structure called cilia which line the nasal cavity sweep the mucous to the back of the throat. Then it is swallowed. The acid in the stomach destroys any harmful bacteria present in the mucous.

Bad taste sinus disease occurs mostly due to post nasal drip. Sinuses are basically a part of the nasal passage which produces mucous. When this network becomes irritated due to some reason like allergy, infection, inflammation, smoke or pollution it begins to produce more mucous than what is required by the sinus cavity. This mucous then flows into the throat causing an awful taste in our mouth.

Bad taste sinus disease is not risky because if the mucous gets swallowed, the stomach destroys any harmful bacteria that are present in the mucous. Sinus can only be risky if it spreads to the brain or the eyes which is very rare. If sinus triggers any other disease like bronchitis, asthma or chronic cough it can be dangerous. Post nasal drip entering the lungs can also be very dangerous.

Bad taste sinus disease is normally accompanied by other symptoms of sinus like headache, fatigue, slow fever, facial pain and tenderness. It can be diagnosed very easily by any medical practitioner.

Treatment for sinus infection entirely depends on the degree of advancement of the disease. It can be cured by medication or may require surgery or sometimes both. A lot of care and precaution should be taken to avoid bad taste sinus disease. Smoking whether active or passive, should be avoided completely. Proper oral hygiene and proper cleaning of the nose also helps avoiding sinus.


Causes and Cures of Chronic Sinus Disease

When all medication for colds ceases to work, a person keeps feeling tired all day, there is intense headache and maybe a fever the person may have a chronic sinus disease. When one or more sinus cavities get infected, a person has a disease called sinusitis. Chronic sinus disease is an advanced form of sinusitis and it may last for three weeks to three months.

Chronic sinus disease can be diagnosed by asking a patient questions about the areas in which a person feels pain. A person might have pain in the head, cheeks and upper teeth. Double or slurred vision may also be associated with chronic sinus. Jarring pain and eyes is also felt in some cases of sinus.

Slow fever is a rarity in chronic sinus disease. It is more prevalent in children as compared to adults. Chronic sinusitis can only be diagnosed if slow fever if accompanied by other symptoms like facial pain and swelling.

Certain protective measures can also be taken by people who have a history of chronic sinus infection symptoms. Using a humidifier and cleaning the nose properly everyday can reduce chances of future occurrence of sinus infection.

Treatment for Sinus Infection

There are several ways of treating a chronic sinus disease. Decongestants, antibiotics and other form of oral medication can be given. Some doctors flush the mucous out of the nose using saline water and a syringe. A surgery is the last option which is done only when other options stop working. The infected mucous membrane is then removed surgically. This kind of surgery may be done under local or general anesthesia.

People with chronic sinus also complain of a thick yellow nasal discharge which is full of pus. They may also be blood tinged. This discharge drains to the back of the throat and is referred to as post nasal drip.

Chronic sinus disease can be prevented by consulting a good doctor as soon as the first signs of a sinus infection are observed. A chronic sinus can cause unnecessary pain and trouble. Allergies and colds should be treated as early as possible before they turn into sinus. People with a history of asthma and other allergies should stay away from allergens like smoke, dust and pollen.


For more ideas on treatment for sinus infection, watch this video – Cure A Sinus Infection FAST – 7 Natural Home Remedies

This article is based on the book, “Kill Sinus” written by Toni B, who was once a victim of chronic sinusitis.  In this book, you can find some cheap and simple remedies for acute and chronic sinusitis patients. These methods are 100% safe with no side effects. Everyone can easily use these methods at any time, any place. To find out, visit his website – Kill Sinus

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