Thyroid health and mood – Do thyroid problems affect your mood?

Thyroid health and mood - Do thyroid problems affect your mood? The connection between thyroid health and mood is often pushed aside. The truth is a thyroid problem does affect your emotional health.
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The connection between thyroid health and mood is often pushed aside. The truth is a thyroid problem does affect your emotional health.


If you are experiencing changes in your mood you may be told you are ‘just stressed’. However there is a definite connection between a drop in thyroid hormone activity and mood changes.


When your thyroid is working below par it is common to experience emotional problems. For some individuals they may even be told they have anxiety, depression or some type of psychiatric illness.


The thyroid hormones are widely distributed in the brain, and for good reason. These hormones play a critical role to help regulate your mood.


However the connection between thyroid health and mood changes is not always recognised. For some individuals they can feel as though their life is out of control; they feel apathetic, stressed out and are experiencing mild to severe mood swings.


Ongoing scientific research confirms the link between your thyroid health and thyroid-related mood symptoms. Recovering your thyroid health may therefore be the key to help naturally lift your mood.


Your feel good brain chemicals


The thyroid hormones play a key role in neurotransmitter production. These potent ‘feel good’ messengers are naturally produced by your body to help regulate your mood.


The most prominent neurotransmitters include serotonin and noradrenaline. When these neurotransmitters are in balance life feels good and you have an optimistic outlook.


Alterations in serotonin levels within the brain can have a direct effect on your mood and when levels drop it is possible to feel less than happy, even down in the dumps. That’s because serotonin is the crucial ‘happy’ neurotransmitter. It also plays a controlling role to assist learning and restorative sleep.


Has life lost its romance?


An interesting study conducted by Oxford University found that serotonin influences the perception of intimacy and romance. When researchers lowered serotonin activity in healthy volunteers and showed them photographs of couples the volunteers with lower serotonin activity rated the couples as less romantic than the volunteers with normal serotonin activity.


Keeping pace in a busy world


Noradrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands, the small glands situated on top of each kidney. These glands are important to survival as they produce both noradrenaline and cortisol; the critical ‘fight or flight’ hormones that help your body take charge in stressful situations.


When the adrenals are firing on all cylinders it’s possible to keep up with the demands of a busy lifestyle.  However prolonged physical and psychological stress can take a toll on the adrenal glands.


When the adrenals are overworked these glands eventually struggle to keep up with the strain of day-to- day life. Often the first warning signs that the adrenals are reaching breaking point are feelings of ongoing fatigue and a noticeably reduced ability to handle stress.


You may remember a time when tense situations did not bother you. Now small things irritate you, and the slightest bit of stress leaves you feeling flat and worn out.


From my clinical experience adrenal fatigue frequently leads to an exhausted thyroid as these two glands are closely linked. In fact, the symptoms of adrenal fatigue closely resemble the symptoms of a sluggish thyroid.


Watch this Video Below about Thyroid health and mood


How Thyroid Function Impacts Your Mood


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Author Bio:


Louise O’ Connor, the author of The Natural Thyroid Diet –The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly, who is a specialist in Thyroid Health. She is a highly regarded Australian Naturopath and founder of Wellnesswork.


The Natural Thyroid Diet goes beyond diet advice and offers practical and effective ways to achieve healthy thyroid levels within just a short period of time. For more details about Thyroid Health and Mood, Click on


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