5 Reasons You Are Feeling Terribly Lightheaded and Dizzy

5 Reasons You are Feeling Terribly Lightheaded and Dizzy - Feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy or experiencing vertigo from time to time is most likely not a serious issue. Often it can be treated by a glass of water or sitting down for a minute. But it can also be a sign of lethal diseases building up that need to be treated. That’s why today I’m going to tell you about 5 causes of feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy that you can check off today.
Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes


Feeling Terribly Lightheaded and Dizzy? Here are 5 Reasons Why


Feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy or experiencing vertigo from time to time is most likely not a serious issue. Often it can be treated by a glass of water or sitting down for a minute.


But it can also be a sign of lethal diseases building up that need to be treated.


That’s why today I’m going to tell you about 5 causes of feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy that you can check off today.


There are many severity levels of lightheadedness and dizziness.


According to the health experts at Harvard, lightheadedness refers to the feeling that your head is weightless and that you might faint, while dizziness refers to the feeling that the room around you is moving. In most cases, these feelings occur together.


Some of the most common causes of feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy include the following:


– Dehydration: According to medical experts consulted by the American Association for Retired Persons, dizziness due to dehydration results because your brain literally lacks sufficient nutrient-filled blood to keep it going. An increase in body temperature and breathing rate dilate the blood vessels in your brain, with insufficient blood to fill them up.


This often happens after exercise, when your body prioritizes your muscles instead of your brain for blood supply. Drink water, lie down, and the dizziness should pass.


#2 – Low blood pressure: Unfortunately, you will have to know the cause of the low blood pressure to remove the dizziness. It could be prolonged bed rest, pregnancy, dehydration, alcohol, diuretics, blood pressure medication, antipsychotic drugs, low heart rate, an underactive thyroid, low blood sugar, or a wide range of other things best left to your doctor to diagnose.


#3 – Prescription Drugs: The US Food and Drug Administration rejects drugs only if their side effects are worse than the benefits, or if they are completely ineffective. Since dizziness is not typically life-threatening, most drugs that can cause dizziness are widely sold.


According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, these include anti-convulsants, blood pressure medication, antihistamines, antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-inflammatories. Since the dizziness will continue for as long as you take the drug, move carefully to avoid falling, or else halt the drug taking.



#4 – Low blood sugar: (also called low blood glucose or hypoglycemia) Your brain desperately needs glucose for energy. If you are suddenly ravenously hungry, or if you struggle with mood swings, lack of energy, shakes, sweating, confusion, or blurry vision, grab a piece of fruit, a bowl of oats, or a slice of wholegrain bread to provide your body with the glucose it craves.


– Stroke: According to the American Family Physician, this is easy for a doctor to rule out or confirm once you are in the hospital, because other neurological symptoms are normally present.


The American Stroke Association recommends that you exclude one-sided facial drooping by examining whether your smile remains even, that you check for arm weakness by lifting both arms and confirming that neither drifts downward, and by verifying that your speech is not slurred by speaking or reading a few difficult sentences.


Watch this Video – Dizziness and Vertigo – How to Stop Dizziness Instantly – Dizziness Treatment

The good news is that our simple vertigo exercises have been proven extremely effective for all types of vertigo. Try them out here and you’ll experience the difference today…


This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.


From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.


If you are feeling terribly lightheaded and dizzy, click on Vertigo and Dizziness Cure 


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